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 prototype to production


Navigating the path from idea to production can be daunting. At Boston Manufacturing Group (BMG), we're committed to making that journey seamless and successful. Our unique blend of world-class manufacturing services and robust support provides the edge you need to bring your concepts to life.

From your initial spark of an idea, we're at your side, ensuring each step forward is a step towards success. Our process transforms raw ideas into tangible products, ready for delivery and mass production.

Initial Engagement

Initial Engagement

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1. Intelligent Sourcing: We identify and procure the best materials and resources needed for your product. Our in-depth market understanding ensures cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality.


2. Technical Support: Our experts provide ongoing guidance throughout the manufacturing process. With their experience and problem-solving abilities, your product development stays on track.


3. Quality Control: Reliability is our promise. Our stringent quality control measures ensure your products meet and exceed industry standards.

Home - Sourcing


BMG supports its customers sourcing needs through hands on access to thousands of suppliers.  

BMG takes pride in its capacity to offer premium sourcing solutions across a broad spectrum of technical domains:

  • Electronics: We excel in procuring high-quality electronic necessities such as Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA), diverse electronic components, cable systems, power supplies, among others.

  • Metals: Our metal sourcing proficiency includes precision machining components, superior stamping pieces, intricate castings, reliable welding supplies and more.

  • Plastics: Our sourcing capabilities extend to cutting-edge plastic solutions, like injection molding supplies, 3D printing materials, vacuum forming resources, and extrusion equipment.

  • Motors: We ensure the sourcing of a variety of motor types, inclusive of Brushless DC (BLDC), universal, and induction motors.

  • Batteries: We source a wide range of battery technologies such as Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion), Nickel-Metal Hydride (Ni-MH), Lead-Acid, and more.

  • Final Assemblies and Contract Manufacturing: We offer seamless procurement solutions for final assembly components and contract manufacturing resources.


At BMG, the sourcing process is underscored by an uncompromising commitment to quality:

  • Elite Supplier Network: Our sourcing strategy involves engaging suppliers that are thoroughly experienced and validated for consistent delivery of superior quality components and materials.

  • Bespoke Quality Assurance: BMG can offer customized levels of quality inspections for sourced materials, tailored to align perfectly with your specific standards and needs. We are committed to exceeding your expectations with each delivery.

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BMG has developed a proprietary five phase process to significantly improve your manufacturing process.

  • Phase 1– Initial Engagement

    • Commencing with a comprehensive initial consultation, we meticulously identify the breadth and depth of the challenge, issue, or requirement at hand, ensuring a thorough understanding of the problem that needs resolution.

  • Phase 2–Audit and Assessment

    • We immerse ourselves in a detailed exploration of the existing challenges, comprehensively evaluating your product's current state and production strategy to gain a thorough understanding of your specific situation.

  • Phase 3 – Report and Proposal Delivery

    • Post-analysis, BMG presents a concise report outlining the identified issues and recommended actions. Accompanying the report, we'll share a proposal covering project scope, our engagement process, and the associated costs. Our team, comprising leading U.S. manufacturing scientists, is ready to guide your project towards success. This step ensures transparency and aids in informed decision-making.

  • Phase 4 – Expert Engagement and Project Management

    • BMG will deploy globally recognized manufacturing and control process experts to address the identified manufacturing challenges. We will closely collaborate with the client, overseeing project management to ensure timely execution and cost-efficiency, driving your production journey towards success.

  • Phase 5 – Sustain

    • BMG promises a persistent partnership until your product is successfully delivered to your customers. We continuously monitor and ensure quality, conducting necessary tests to guarantee a seamless and successful production run.

​BMG’s assessment team will work with your manufacturing factory to identify your most vital technical and business needs.


We then bring the leading minds in the world to bear on these problems, providing our clients with groundbreaking solutions and improved performance.​


Home - Meet the Team

Guy Breier, the Chief Executive Officer at BMG, combines decades of international expertise in Operations, Manufacturing, and Quality Control with an impressive academic background. Holding an Engineering degree from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from Boston College, he has also enriched his knowledge and contributed to the field as a Professor of Operations at Boston University. His innovative approach culminated in the creation of the proprietary Five Phase Assessment Process, a game-changer in the manufacturing industry. This unique process has not only powered the successful delivery of millions of premium-quality products but also realized cumulative savings exceeding hundreds million dollars for manufacturing plants around the globe.

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Dr. Ron Rubin, a distinguished member of the Boston College faculty, is also the esteemed founder of Rubin/Anders Scientific, a premier scientific placement agency serving an impressive roster of law firms and corporate clientele. His academic laurels include a Ph.D. from Harvard University, reinforcing his status as a leader in the scientific community. In addition to his contributions at Boston College, Dr. Rubin has also shared his knowledge as a lecturer at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), showcasing his commitment to fostering the next generation of scientific minds.


Brian Eberman

CEO at Pilo Health

I had a great experience with Guy when he was the head of quality at Jibo so I knew that Guy brought serious hardware quality skills to the table. I reached out to him at the Boston Manufacturing Group and he took my team at Pillo through a great quality review process and identified some items we needed to improve with our manufacturer. Very smooth structured experience and great results.

Ariel Lisogorsky

Buyer at Piaggio Fast Forward

While working as a Buyer at Piaggio Fast Forward, I have used the services of Guy Breier and The Boston Manufacturing Group. Guy and the group were  instrumental in helping me in several areas including: Identifying the best quality components at a reasonable pricing, provide full quality analysis of every component, conducted Supplier audits and design validation, used the group’s professional network to identify technical experts to support the design of the new robot.


It has been an absolute pleasure working with The Boston Manufacturing Group, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to work with them again in the future.



(617) 410-8155

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